EU projekt

Naziv projekta: Produljeni rad- UP broj UP.
Nositelj projekta: Dječji vrtić Mala kuća
Područje provedbe projekta: Grad Zagreb
Razdoblje provedbe projekta: 2021.-2023. (20 mjeseci)
Ukupna vrijednost projekta: 265.959,90 EUR
Iznos EU potpore: 265.959,90 EUR

Cilj projekta: Projekt će omogućiti uvođenje produljenog radnog vremena u Dječjem vrtiću kroz razdoblje od 20 mjeseci, čime će se omogućiti usklađivanje poslovnog i obiteljskog života kroz prilagođavanje radnog vremena dječjeg vrtića radnom vremenu roditelja.

Aktivnosti projekta:

  • Omogućena provedba produljenog radnog vremena za dvije grupe,
  • Produženo radno vrijeme (od 16:00h do 20:00h),
  • Uvedeni dodatni programi: STEM u vrtiću, Lutkarsko dramsko scenski program, njemački jezik,
  • Nabavljena didaktička oprema i pomagala za potrebe produženog radnog vremena,
  • Nabavljena oprema za kvalitetniju provedbu produženog radnog vremena,
  • Osam osoba sudjelovalo u programima stručnog usavršavanja,
  • Održane radionice za roditelje i odgojitelje,
  • Tiskano i distribuirano 200 letaka i 20 plakata za potrebe informiranja javnosti i vidljivosti projekta,
  • Izrađen slikovnica SLOVARICA Kindie ABC,
  • Izrađeni promotivni ručnici za djecu te torbe za majke,
  • Izrada video materijala za širenje rezultata i promocije projekta putem Facebook i Web stranice
  • Izrađena izvješća o provedbi projekta i aktivnosti i provedeno stručno vođenje i upravljanje projektom te izrada narativnih i financijskih izvještaja od strane voditelja projekta.

Rezultati projekta: Projektom Produljenog rada omogućeno je uvođenje produljenog radnog vremena u Dječjem vrtiću Mala kuća kroz razdoblje od 20 mjeseci, čime se omogućilo usklađivanje poslovnog i obiteljskog života kroz prilagođavanje radnog vremena dječjeg vrtića radnom vremenu roditelja.

Kontakt: Dječji vrtić Mala kuća
Ines Martinčić, voditeljica projekta
Adresa: Vrhovec 81, 10 000 Zagreb
Kontakt: +385 98 9213195
E - mail:
Web stranica:

Project title: Extended working hours- UP number UP.
Project holder: Kindergarten Kindie- Mala kuća
Project provided: City of Zagreb
Project period: 2021. – 2023. (20 months)
Total project value: 265.959,90 EUR
Amount of EU support: 265.959,90 EUR

Project goal: The project of extended working hours in the Kindergarten Mala kuća for 20 months, allows the reconciliation of business and family life by adjusting the working hours of the kindergarten.

Project activities:

  • Enabled implementation of extended working hours for two groups,
  • Extended working hours (from 16:00 to 20:00),
  • Introduced additional programs: STEM in kindergarten, Drama class and German language,
  • Procured didactic equipment and aids for the needs of extended working hours,
  • Acquired equipment for better implementation of extended working hours,
  • eight people participated in professional development programs,
  • conferences for the parents and teachers,
  • Printed and distributed 200 flyers and 20 posters to inform the public and the visibility of the project,
  • Made our storytelling book Kindie ABCs,
  • Made promo towels for the children and bags for the parents
  • Production of video material for dissemination of results and promotion of the project together with our Facebook site and Website,
  • Monthly reports on project implementation and prepared activities,
  • Conducted professional project management and preparation of narrative and financial reports by the project manager.

Project results: The project enabled the introduction of extended working hours in the kindergarten Kindie -Mala kuća for 20 months, which allowed the reconciliation of business and family life by adjusting the working hours of kindergarten to parents’ working hours.

Contact: Kindergarten Kindie -Mala kuća
Ines Martinčić, project manager
Adress: Vrhovec 81, 10 000 Zagreb
Contact: +385 98 9213195
E - mail:

About us

Kindie International Kindergarten (DV "Mala kuća") is a premier international kindergarten located in Zagreb, Croatia. We are an accredited kindergarten whose academic programme has been approved and recognised by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport.

Our kindergarten offers an innovative English curriculum for children from age 1 to age 7. We have teamed up with numerous kindergartens across the globe to provide a truly international learning experience. Our small student-teacher ratio guarantees children the individual attention they need. We provide both half-day and full day programmes in combination with a variety of exciting and educational extra-curricular activities. A happy child is a Kindie child!

Our kindergarten is located in a quiet and friendly neighbourhood in Vrhovec. Our little house is equipped with modern facilities and decorated to create an engaging and stimulating learning environment. Surrounding our Kindie campus is a beautiful garden with a wooden gazebo, a small vineyard and many apple, pear, cherry, fig, plum and peach trees. Our kindergarten is easily accessible by public transportation and has adequate parking for visiting Kindie parents.


Fireflies and Sparks are composed of children from different countries, cultures, religions, and races. Therefore, our kindergarten nurtures diversity and multiculturalism from an early age.

We love to celebrate Back to School Day, Halloween, St Nicholas, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Fašnik (Carnival), St Valentine, Holi, Easter, Thanksgiving Day, Fathers Day, Mothers day, Panceke Day, World Book Day, April Fools Day, St Patricks.

The primary language is English, which children learn the best through everyday use. Non-English- speaking children can learn English in a few months by understanding it first, then speaking it. Authentic pronunciation and phonetics exposure are essential for speaking the language correctly.


Fireflies – nursery for children from 1 to 3 years

We strongly believe that the first three years are the foundation for the child's future. Therefore, we are doing our best to provide babies and toddlers with a stimulating and safe environment. Our curriculum emphasizes the development of gross and fine motor skills, speech, cognitive, and socio-emotional competencies through a variety of activities and didactic materials.


Sparks – kindergarten for children from 3 to 7 years

You will never be bored when you try something new. There is really no limit to what you can do!- Dr. Seuss

Our proven recipe is: „Learning to play. Playing to Learn." Throug creative and safe surroundings, plenty of love and attention, busy hands, and tons of fun!

All curriculum areas are presented in an integrated, age-appropriate manner. The overall development is stimulated through play-based activities guided by children’s individual preferences. At a very young age, children develop the proper behavior patterns. Teachers act as role models and their playmates who guide them. Every child requires an individual approach. Our aim is to assist them in becoming fulfilled, satisfied, and happy individuals.


In addition to early English learning, we offer other programs, such as: German language, Gym and Baby gym, Yoga, Robotics and STEM activities, music and art program, drama class with facepaint, costume making and two fantastic Shows throughout the year, preschool program, cooking, etc.

ENGLISH CURRICULUM. Kindie’s English curriculum for lower class students is based on Playtime Phonics and Playtime English. The curriculum targets very young learners of English and teaches children basic letter and sound recognition, simple vocabulary, target language and enforces language learning through songs, rhymes, music, body and movement. Upper class students are introduced to more advanced language skills focused around Scholastic's English and Phonics. Students learn the 26 letters and sounds, basic blending techniques, spelling and writing practice along with simple sentence structures and advanced vocabulary. The overall learning process is enhanced through interactive projects, diversified group activities and language games.

MATHEMATICS CURRICULUM. Kindie has successfully incorporated Britannica's SmartMath software into its mathematics curriculum. Our upper level students will now be using an innovative math program to help build a solid foundation in both mathematics and English. SmartMath is a highly personalized program allowing students to learn and progress at their own pace. It's all about engaging, interactive and fun learning!

EIGHT MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES. Kindie’s curriculum focuses on "how to learn" as opposed to "what to learn". We achieve this through the theory of multiple intelligences which was developed by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. These intelligences are:

Linguistic intelligence ("word smart") - This area has to do with words, spoken or written. Careers that suit those with this intelligence include writers, lawyers, policemen, philosophers, journalists, politicians, poets, and teachers.

Logical-mathematical ("number/reasoning smart") - This area has to do with logic, abstractions, reasoning, and numbers. Careers which suit those with this intelligence include scientists, physicists, mathematicians, logicians, engineers, doctors, economists and philosophers.

Spatial intelligence ("picture smart") - This area deals with spatial judgement and the ability to visualize with the mind's eye. Careers which suit those with this type of intelligence include artists, designers and architects. A spatial person is also good with puzzles.

Bodily-Kinesthetic ("body smart") - This area has to do with controlling one's bodily motion. Careers that suit those with this intelligence include: athletes, dancers, musicians, actors, surgeons, doctors, builders and police officers.

Musical intelligence ("music smart") - This area has to do with sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones, and music. Careers that suit those with this intelligence include instrumentalists, singers, conductors, disc-jockeys, orators, writers and composers.

Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart") - This area has to do with interaction with others. Careers that suit those with this intelligence include sales, politicians, managers, teachers, and social workers.

Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart") - This area has to do with introspective and self-reflective capacities. Careers which suit those with this intelligence include philosophers, psychologists, theologians, lawyers, and writers.

Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart") - This area has to do with nature, nurturing and relating information to one’s natural surroundings. Careers which suit those with this intelligence include naturalists and gardeners.

We aim to place equal attention on individuals who show gifts in all intelligences: the artists, architects, musicians, naturalists, designers, dancers and all others who enrich the world in which we live. Our teachers are trained to present their lessons in a wide variety of ways using music, drama, cooperative learning, art activities, role play, multimedia, field trips, inner reflection, group projects and much more.

CORE CURRICULUM. Our core curriculum includes phonics-based learning, conversation practice, reading and writing skills, early math and science exploration, music, art and physical education. All supplementary resources and teaching aids (props, big books, songs) are sourced from the UK and the USA. Award winning story and language books are frequently stocked.

INTER-SCHOOL PROJECTS. Kindie is part of an international network of kindergartens that participate in fun inter-school programmes. We continually exchange ideas, share curriculum information, organize student pen pal exchanges, provide cultural learning... all aimed at linking Kindie to the world!

Our new inter-school project for this term: Kindie's Easter and Christmas Card Exchange Programmeand (organised in association with Hong Kong International Preschool).

STUDENT PORTFOLIOS. A collection of student work will be organised in a student portfolio at the end of each term. Along with their teacher's observations and comments, parents will be able to monitor their children's abilities and progress throughout the year.

STUDENT HANDBOOK. Following each childs progress throughout the year by following their Social skills, Emotional expression, Learning ability, Self management, Attitude and Daily routine


Besides the regular programs, we also offer sports (Skiing on Sljeme, Ice skating, Rollerblading, Cycling, Horseback riding, Swimming, Tennis) and various field trips and visits outside the kindergarten (Farm trip, Apple farm, Hullabaloo at the ZOO, Museums and Libraries, Theatres and shows, local parks).

We organize the birthday parties, and two Shows prepared by Kindie kids.


Kindie's mission is to help develop young learner's full potential by providing the highest quality education through child-centred learning in a relaxed, secure and caring environment. We aim to provide an education that is global in nature and one that meets international standards. Our goal is to create a community of teachers, parents and students who share a passion for education and academic exploration.

Across our globe, from East to West, no two handprints are alike.

No two children are alike.

KINDIE. Your personalised international kindergarten.

Our school aims to provide each student with the essential elements necessary for the development of their full potential. We offer intellectually stimulating activities, which develop logical, critical and creative thinkers. We also provide opportunities and activities that develop our learners' emotional, psychological, artistic, cultural and moral values.

"Learning to play. Playing to Learn."

(Kindie's school motto)

Effective parent-teacher partnership

Our cooperation with parents is realized through:

  • Daily communication and reports, Potfolio
  • Student Handbook
  • Emails (monthly plan and program, upcoming events, and other information)
  • Social media (private Oki Toki App, Facebook, Instagram)
  • Parent board in the kindergarten (menu, children’s artwork, and other info)
  • Group parent meetings
  • Parent-teacher conference twice a year
  • Joint gatherings of children and adults (Christmas and End of the year party, workshops, exhibitions, etc.)
  • Involving parents in the program (storrytelling, profession, culture etc.)
  • Excursions and cultural events outside the kindergarten

Naziv projekta: Produljeni rad- UP broj UP.
Nositelj projekta: Dječji vrtić Mala kuća
Područje provedbe projekta: Grad Zagreb
Razdoblje provedbe projekta: 2021.-2023. (20 mjeseci)
Ukupna vrijednost projekta: 265.959,90 EUR
Iznos EU potpore: 265.959,90 EUR

Cilj projekta: Projekt će omogućiti uvođenje produljenog radnog vremena u Dječjem vrtiću kroz razdoblje od 20 mjeseci, čime će se omogućiti usklađivanje poslovnog i obiteljskog života kroz prilagođavanje radnog vremena dječjeg vrtića radnom vremenu roditelja.

Aktivnosti projekta:

  • Omogućena provedba produljenog radnog vremena za dvije grupe,
  • Produženo radno vrijeme (od 16:00h do 20:00h),
  • Uvedeni dodatni programi: STEM u vrtiću, Lutkarsko dramsko scenski program, njemački jezik,
  • Nabavljena didaktička oprema i pomagala za potrebe produženog radnog vremena,
  • Nabavljena oprema za kvalitetniju provedbu produženog radnog vremena,
  • Osam osoba sudjelovalo u programima stručnog usavršavanja,
  • Održane radionice za roditelje i odgojitelje,
  • Tiskano i distribuirano 200 letaka i 20 plakata za potrebe informiranja javnosti i vidljivosti projekta,
  • Izrađen slikovnica SLOVARICA Kindie ABC,
  • Izrađeni promotivni ručnici za djecu te torbe za majke,
  • Izrada video materijala za širenje rezultata i promocije projekta putem Facebook i Web stranice
  • Izrađena izvješća o provedbi projekta i aktivnosti i provedeno stručno vođenje i upravljanje projektom te izrada narativnih i financijskih izvještaja od strane voditelja projekta.

Rezultati projekta: Projektom Produljenog rada omogućeno je uvođenje produljenog radnog vremena u Dječjem vrtiću Mala kuća kroz razdoblje od 20 mjeseci, čime se omogućilo usklađivanje poslovnog i obiteljskog života kroz prilagođavanje radnog vremena dječjeg vrtića radnom vremenu roditelja.

Kontakt: Dječji vrtić Mala kuća
Ines Martinčić, voditeljica projekta
Adresa: Vrhovec 81, 10 000 Zagreb
Kontakt: +385 98 9213195
E - mail:
Web stranica:

Project title: Extended working hours- UP number UP.
Project holder: Kindergarten Kindie- Mala kuća
Project provided: City of Zagreb
Project period: 2021. – 2023. (20 months)
Total project value: 265.959,90 EUR
Amount of EU support: 265.959,90 EUR

Project goal: The project of extended working hours in the Kindergarten Mala kuća for 20 months, allows the reconciliation of business and family life by adjusting the working hours of the kindergarten.

Project activities:

  • Enabled implementation of extended working hours for two groups,
  • Extended working hours (from 16:00 to 20:00),
  • Introduced additional programs: STEM in kindergarten, Drama class and German language,
  • Procured didactic equipment and aids for the needs of extended working hours,
  • Acquired equipment for better implementation of extended working hours,
  • eight people participated in professional development programs,
  • conferences for the parents and teachers,
  • Printed and distributed 200 flyers and 20 posters to inform the public and the visibility of the project,
  • Made our storytelling book Kindie ABCs,
  • Made promo towels for the children and bags for the parents
  • Production of video material for dissemination of results and promotion of the project together with our Facebook site and Website,
  • Monthly reports on project implementation and prepared activities,
  • Conducted professional project management and preparation of narrative and financial reports by the project manager.

Project results: The project enabled the introduction of extended working hours in the kindergarten Kindie -Mala kuća for 20 months, which allowed the reconciliation of business and family life by adjusting the working hours of kindergarten to parents’ working hours.

Contact: Kindergarten Kindie -Mala kuća
Ines Martinčić, project manager
Adress: Vrhovec 81, 10 000 Zagreb
Contact: +385 98 9213195
E - mail:


Directed by Ivan Sikavica


Vedrana Galetić, mag.paed.

Ines Martinčić, Prof.
School founder

School Address
Vrhovec 81
10 000 Zagreb, Croatia

School Contact
(+385) 98 921 3195
(+385) 01 390 6669

Bank info:
Zagrebačka banka
IBAN: HR282360000-1102176140